STC Equipment Loan Agreement
Thank you for being a good steward of university equipment. Your care and prompt return will assure that other students, faculty, and staff will be able to use this equipment in the future. Our goal is to make equipment available to as many people as possible throughout each day. You can assist by picking up and returning equipment on time.
Following are some loan procedures and policies that borrowers should know. By checking out equipment from the Equipment Loan Desk, you agree to the following terms.
Use of equipment
Photo ID is required for equipment checkout. Please use the equipment in a careful manner and as intended for academic pursuits and campus events. The borrower agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, university policies, the equipment manual, and the terms and conditions relating to the possession, use, or maintenance of the equipment.
Loss and damage
Please return all equipment in the same condition as originally loaned. The borrower assumes all responsibility for any damage, loss or theft of equipment and accessories checked out. All costs associated with the loss, theft, or damage of the equipment while on loan shall be the sole obligation of the borrower.
Replacement charges will be based on the cost of parts and labor to repair the equipment and consideration of “normal wear and tear,” or the current cost of replacing the unit, as determined by the Student Technology Center (STC).
Late fees
Failure to return the equipment at the scheduled return time may result in a fine, and/or the loss of future loan privileges as determined as determined by STC.
In addition, STC has implemented late fees for items in the STC equipment loan pool. The fees will be $12/day late fee for high demand/value items and a $2/day late for for low demand/value It is the borrower’s responsibility to know if their items fall in this late fee category
Additional information
Please read the Western Washington University Policy for Responsible Computing and the User Agreement for University Network and Computing Resources, and agree to abide by these policies.